A couple of weekends ago we were fortunate enough to attend Little Roger and Sarah's wedding in Dawson Creek, BC. For those of you who may not know, Dawson Creek is Mile 0 of the Alaska Highway. While in Dawson Creek we were able to take advantage of a very "loose" interpretation of customer service and also drove out to Mile 21 of the Old Alaska Highway. At Mile 21 you can visit the Historic Kiskatinaw Curved Bridge. I unfortunately did not have my camera with me, but you can check it out
Anyways, back to the wedding--it was fun and beautiful, and here's brief summary in photos:
A broom in the tree to hold off the rain:
Little Roger with Dianne and Turf and... the beaming bride!
Roger with Dad:
Roger with me:
Roger with Darcy:
The Bredeson
Clan Posse: