A few weekends ago I made a road trip to Camrose to visit Mamma G. On the way down I made a detour to Jenny's farm which was interesting. Apart from getting slightly lost and my poor Corolla getting tossed around on the gravel roads, I did make it and managed to snap a few pictures. Unfortunately, the Baril's were no where in site, and with a massive rain storm coming, I decided to make tracks after waving to Peter Piper and Pandora.

If you look carefully in the second photo, you can see Peter Piper and Pandora in the distance behind the sheep. Sorry... I couldn't muster up any more courage to get closer.

Turkey's and a rogue chicken.

While visiting Mamma G, she took me on a trip to Anita's House where, I've decided, I'll be moving to next week as a permanent guest--or perhaps more accurately, a squatter.
View from back balcony and"Anita's Cafe."

A very thorough demonstration of Anita's exercise equipment.
My favourite room in the house.
A delicious shrimp sandwich
After the sandwich, we went for a walk in the woods outside her house. Here are some of the surprises we came across on our travels.

The bridge is built entirely without nails. Just dowels.
The walk finished with a raid on Bengt's wood shop.
Mamma G also took me to Pigeon Lake where I had clam chowder and a grilled VEGETABLE (believe it or not) panini that was surprisingly delicious at the Eco Cafe. Unfortunately I did lug my camera around on the boardwalk but must have been too distracted to actually snap any photos. Guess we'll have to go back!