Monday, November 28, 2011

A Pack of Cubs and First Advent 2011

This past weekend found Roger leading a pack of Cubs (Cub Scouts that is) for a winter walk through the woods.
He was really in his element and only made one kid cry after his bear safety talk.  

He managed to tucker them out pretty good by the end, and I think all-in-all, managed to leave only footprints and almost a juice box.
I managed to fit in better than I thought I would, especially after one of the kids asked if I was Roger's daughter!

Riding the Bus

Last weekend Megan and I found ourselves doing our darndest to keep this little munchkin amused.

It was no easy feat.  As you can see, she is not easily impressed.

Thanks Megan for the action shots (3rd time's a charm!)

And for being the grumpy bus driver.

I sure don't fit into that equipment like I used to!

Will you be our 40 Acre Wood?

Here's some sunshine to help with all the miserable cloudy weather we've been getting.

Sunday, November 13, 2011


We finally got some snow last Thursday.  I guess we can't complain, it's not often that the first snowfall holds off until mid November.  It did wreak havoc on traffic though.  It took me 1 hour and 5 minutes to drive 8 measly kilometres to work.  It took a lot of will power to not park my car, hop out and walk.  Anyway, the wintry weather had me reminiscing about our recent trip to Comox where we did what we do best.... EAT.

The following picture was taken to warn those of you who frequent the Calgary International Airport to not waste your hard earned money on the air hockey table.  Twice now, we've been duped by this game.  The first time, the game refused to turn on after we'd put our money in.  The second time, it turned on but the puck was missing.  

The Elvis pinball machine was a better bet.  It not only worked, but the game kept on going and going and going...

Pictures from our walk around Dianne and Hans' house before we left for the airport to pick up my parents.

A stop at Sieffert's Farm to pumpkin gaze and pick up fresh vegetables for supper

Goose Spit.
Actually, I don't know if they really do spit, but that's the name of this lovely and very windy place.

Where we stopped for lunch in Cumberland.  The man next to my on the plane recommended this restaurant.  Am I ever glad we followed his suggestion.  
This place had the best cheesecake I've ever tasted.

Carrot ginger soup with an oyster sandwich

Carrot ginger soup with a crustless mushroom quiche

Cranberry Orange Cake

Some other Cumberland landmarks.

Off to Puntledge to view the dying fish.

Picking up fresh crabs, pickled herring, oysters and shrimp for supper.

Visiting Qualicum Beach

Coconut Ice cream.