Sunday, February 24, 2013

Roger's Arm

Here's an update on Roger's arm which he injured a week ago while skiing on Mount Washington.
The diagnosis by the doctor in the first aid hut was a strained rotator cuff.
Each day, the arm looks different, and each day he can move it just a little bit more.

Here's what it looked like about a week ago with very little bruising.

Here's what it looks like today.

It would make a pretty lipstick colour, but it's kind of gross.

Courtney and Comox

Last weekend we spent Family Day visiting family on Vancouver Island. 
I was super excited about the trip not only to see Hans and Dianne, but also because I was hoping to gorge on cheesecake at the Gatehouse Bistro and do some x-country skiing at Mount Washington.
Unfortunately, before we headed out I heard that the Gatehouse was closed until May, so no cheesecake for us.

Also, this happened.

Yup, after skiing about 600m at Mount Washington, Roger fell and strained his rotator cuff. 
Fortunately, it wasn't worse, but it means he probably won't be skiing for the rest of the season, although he can still play video games..... thank goodness of course!

I did manage to get some skiing at the mountain, while Roger patiently waited in the chalet eating cinnamon buns.

We were fed really well on the Island, with Dianne and Hans treating us to plenty of seafood.
We also went along to a photo shoot of the local MLA shucking oysters at the wharf.

And.... lucky for us, after the oyster shucking, we were allowed to eat the oysters!

They were soooo delicious, fresh out of the shell, seasoned with sea water.  
Am I ever glad that I discovered my taste for raw oysters a few years ago.

RIP Boots

I recently received the sad news that I would have to retire my hiking boots that I've had for 15 years.  
While hiking in rainy Iceland, my right foot constantly marinated in a pool of water which collected under the toes.  
On close inspection, I realized that the sole was separating from the boot. 
Even my dad's mad skills with gorilla glue and duct tape couldn't save them. 

I have recently replaced them with these.
I sure hope they last another 15 years.
RIP dear boots, you will be missed.