Me holding my wedding bouquet. Ha the way, most of these photos were taken by the lovely Megan and my uncles Francis and Ignatius
Jacinta being recruited to do nail duty:
Megan bravely allowing me to do her eye make-up. Thanks Megan, I still say that was the most fun I had all morning! Anything to keep the bride happy I guess...

Roger hoarding our wedding favors. I'm surprised there were still some left for the wedding!
At the Chapel, waiting to get married.
Erin did a great job too. She proudly marched down the aisle with her flower in one hand and her mermaid doll in the other. She also helped to add some background music to the whole ceremony by squeaking her shoes together.
Us and Father Raju. You may think we fight too much Father Raju, but we really do love one another!
Roger's special cufflinks that belonged to his Morfar.
Ahhh...that's much better..
For skateboarding that is....
BBQ time! and Dianne trying to shield her shy food from the camera.
The BBQ was delicious, hamburgers, bratwurst, ribs, BBQ chicken, Cesar salad, potato chips and...

Some drama at the B&B. My uncles brute strength broke the key in the door, however my dad came to the rescue and got it out!

Some VERY tired children.

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