For Christmas this year, we did our usual traditional tour of Alberta.
It all started at Mamma G's where we raided her stock of Julmust.

Roger's favourite Christmas gift by far.. a magnetic flashlight with extendable and flexible neck.
A jewellery tree for Bridget. Made by Hans.
I was lucky enough to score one of these a week ago as well!
Great weather for our drive down to Calgary on Christmas Day
We were greeted by these little munchkins who were hyped up on Christmas spirit.

I have no idea where these kids learned how to pose for pictures.
The gift opening frenzy.

Grandpa scored huge Erin points with this gift.
She opened this first, and all other gifts paled in comparison.

Brendan with his ever growing collection of Lego.

A present opening injury.

According to my mom, my dad did most of the Christmas shopping this year.
Well done dad! You not only listened and took detailed notes, but you went above and beyond to get the best deals in town as well!
Even when it meant asking for Roger's gift back to get a price adjustment on Boxing day!
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