For Father's Day I headed down to Calgary to celebrate.
Of course, it wasn't just about Dad--especially with this little turkey around.
Here she is after a birthday party.
She decorated that cake herself--a sandy beach with a penguin?
It actually tasted pretty good.
Here's Megs and I "playing" with Erin.
It consisted of us covering her with pillows and blankets and then hitting her as fast as we could with an inflatable ball.
Oh the hours of fun!

Back to Father's day.
Here's how we chose to celebrate the big day.
We hiked Prairie Mountain.
I'd like to say that we had it planned for weeks and weeks, but since the visitor's centre was closed, we had to pick something.
We picked the steepest hike we could find since we knew we would hear no end to "how EASY" it was if we didn't try to tucker our dad out.
Pre hike photo.

I think this is where we had had enough of the steep trail with no end. Joyce practically flung herself down on the trail and had a tantrum so we decided to turn around. (ha ha)
Luckily, at that precise moment, we passed a couple of hikers who encouraged us to continue and promised it would be worth it.
Are we ever glad we did.
It was worth it enough to see these!
Shooting stars, my favourite wildflower.
It was worth it to see the Canada flag up top.
This photo was taken just before we all broke into patriotic song.
(all harmonized of course)
It was especially worth it when Joyce agreed to trade half her delicious turkey sandwich for my almost equally delicious chicken sandwich (sorry mom).
If you look carefully in some of these photos, you might see the Calgary skyline.

Joyce was in a hurry to get down the mountain as it was pretty blustery.
She was kind enough to stop and turn around for this picture though.

Father's day at Joyce's house.
She's become quite the artist.
and, quite the little esthetician.
Here she is giving grandma the full treatment
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