Christmas this year was extra special for many reasons, one in particular was because we were celebrating our first Christmas at Mama G's new digs.
It was comfy and cozy, and thankfully, all the old favourites, such as the skinka, tasted just as good at the new place as the old!
Christmas in Calgary was busy and active as usual, especially with these two around.
A nice photo being photo bombed by Erin
It was unseasonably worn in Calgary but we did manage to do some snowshoeing at the local golf course.
Grass! who needs snowshoes??
We did manage to get out to K-country for a few days where it was also unseasonably warm--usually around +3'C.
The first day we did Penstock Loop

Snow hearts.
The second day, we started at Chester Lake trail head, but ended up on some other trail that we aren't sure the name of but it was nice, and MUCH quieter than Chester Lake.

Roger enjoying an ice cream
We were joined by my dad the third day where we did the Sawmill

There are several snowshoe trails in this area, but the one we initially chose was nuts.
I believe we were snowshoeing along a creek, but due to the flooding this past summer, there was debris everywhere to climb over.
Eventually, we came to this, and felt we couldn't go much further.
It was fun anyway, and the first year where we were all healthy enough to make it out to Kananaskis together!
I didn't get any pictures of the New Years Eve fireworks at K-Lodge but they were stunning, and it was fun to watch them outdoors in your PJ's and then crawl back into bed right away.
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